Thursday, May 14, 2009

Dakota/Ojibwe Language Revitalization in MN

Sign this petition: "Dakota/Ojibwe Language Revitalization in MN" -

Resolution Title: Native American Language Revitalization in the United States

WHEREAS, Every child born to the American Communities must have the resources to learn their native language and to be a part of the continuity of a living and vital language.

WHEREAS, The Native American Languages Revitalization Act affirms the intent and covenant of the United States to fully support and promote the speaking and learning of Native Languages.

WHEREAS, Tribal members living on their reservations or in the urban and rural areas must have equal opportunity to speak and learn their native language.

WHEREAS, Language revitalization programs must include the youngest children - who are the most natural and powerful language learners and who represent the continuation of native languages.

WHEREAS, Dakota and Ojibwe are a vital resource to preserve family and community and will be a resource to support learning readiness and academic excellence for the American Indian people in living in Minnesota

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Minnesota Legislature support language revitalization; the use of "Legacy Funds" for Indigenous Language Immersion programs; and a working committee made up of tribal and urban Ojibwe and Dakota people to develop a strategy and remove barriers to revitalize the Dakota and Ojibwe language in Minnesota.

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